Source code for yammh3

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import six

from ._yammh3 import (
    mhash128, mhash128s,
    mhash128_x64, mhash128s_x64,
    mhash64, mhash64s, mhash64l, mhash64sl,
    mhash64_x64, mhash64s_x64, mhash64l_x64, mhash64sl_x64,
    mhash32, mhash32s,

__author__ = 'Rolando Espinoza'
__email__ = 'rolando at'
__version__ = '0.2.0dev'

__all__ = ['get_include', 'hash128', 'hash64', 'hash32']

[docs]def get_include(): """Returns the includes directory. Returns ------- out : str Directory that contains header files. """ import os return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
[docs]def hash128(value, seed=0, signed=True, x64=False): """Returns a 128 bits hash for the given value. Parameters ---------- value : unicode or str Value to be hashed. seed : int, optional Seed for the hash algorithm. Default is 0. signed : bool, optional If True, returns a signed integer, otherwise returns an unsigned integer. Default is True. x64 : bool, optional Whether to use x64 optimized hash functions. Default is False. Returns ------- out : tuple A tuple of 64 bits integers (high, low). """ value = _tobytes(value) if x64: choices = (mhash128_x64, mhash128s_x64) else: choices = (mhash128, mhash128s) out = choices[signed](value, len(value), seed) return out['high'], out['low']
[docs]def hash64(value, seed=0, signed=True, low=False, x64=False): """Returns a 64 bits hash for the given value. This function uses the 128 bits hash function internally and the ``low`` parameter controls which part of bits are returned. Parameters ---------- value : unicode or str Value to be hashed. seed : int, optional Seed for the hash algorithm. Default is 0. signed : bool, optional If True, returns a signed integer, otherwise returns an unsigned integer. Default is True. low : bool, optional Whether to returns low bits rather than high bits. Default is False. x64 : bool, optional Whether to use x64 optimized hash functions. Default is False. Returns ------- out : int A 64 bits integer. """ value = _tobytes(value) if low: choices = ( (mhash64l, mhash64sl), (mhash64l_x64, mhash64sl_x64), )[x64] else: choices = ( (mhash64, mhash64s), (mhash64_x64, mhash64s_x64), )[x64] return choices[signed](value, len(value), seed)
[docs]def hash32(value, seed=0, signed=True): """Returns a 32 bits hash for the given value. Parameters ---------- value : unicode or str Value to be hashed. seed : int, optional Seed for the hash algorithm. Default is 0. signed : bool, optional If True, returns a signed integer, otherwise returns an unsigned integer. Default is True. Returns ------- out : int A 32 bits integer. """ value = _tobytes(value) func = (mhash32, mhash32s)[signed] return func(value, len(value), seed)
def _tobytes(s, encoding='utf-8'): if isinstance(s, six.binary_type): return s if isinstance(s, six.text_type): return s.encode(encoding) raise ValueError("Unsupported type '%s'" % type(s))